That fifth step is a real doozy. I'll tell you that one for free.
Brain Cats
I had a dream where there was this giant grey cat hanging out in my yard. A smaller one kept trying to get in the house. It tried to fit in to any crack or seam.
It all depends on how you look at it. Try hanging from the ceiling. Or falling out a window.
His face just kept spreading onward and forever to the left. Past the ocean and into the stars. Left.
Soup Boy
Pedro's Birthday Debacle
It wasn't until their souls took flight - leaving their corporeal forms behind - and the laughing visage of Eternity showed up, that they realized little Pedro's birthday had gotten out of hand.
"I'm DEAD, now my alive son. And it's all .. VIDEO GAMES' .. FAULT ... BYTHEWAYIBROUGHTHOMESOMEPIZZA~"
I'll get you yet, you young whipper-snappers!
Full House
The Enduring Lament of Fizzlebeef Shepard
Give him the Spicy Legato. ON THE DOUBLE, MISTER.
"Fork over the reward .. so I can get back to more important things."
Where Bear
A Bear? Where bear? A WERE-BEAR? WHERE!? Whatever, Jim. THIS guy's got some bigger fish to fry.
Shut Up Dad
".. And he was THIS tall! Wowzers. Last time I cross pumpernickle and pastrami in a poorly lit alley if you catch my drift. If you catch my waft. If you - so, how's it hanging, SON?"
"Happy birthday, Spray. I'm disappointed in you."
Sock Hand
I put a sock on my hand once and this happened! It's true.
This Space For Rent
Somebody? Anybody?
Batboy's Ghost
I was having fun messing around with layers and stuff. Shut up.
Enter the Carpal Tunnel Fun Drome at your own peril! Ooh! AAH!
Squeeze the Colors
Reach inside yourself and squeeze your colors out. Give birth. Spray the sky. Paint the earth.
My Hand
When you are an artist, it really helps having other people that can think like an artist around. A pair of eyes on the outside that can tell you that you're doing the right thing or that your butt is getting too big. Someone that says, "Yeah, that thing you're doing is really weird! You have to keep going!" Someone who will help do the weird things with you. Someone that can have more inventive ideas than you. Someone that even when they're not around directly influencing you, they keep your brain thinking of and creating new ideas. Not just new ideas, but new ways to express those ideas. Someone who will tell you that you should really think about buying a new pair of pants (because of your butt).
Sometimes the world decides to take away that person. I do my best to turn that bitterness, anger, and loss into something equal parts artsy and fartsy like I know they would have wanted.
In loving memory of my best friend and contributor to the old site,
There's a big dignity-shaped hole in your roof and I thought you should know.