Are we paying attention? Don't think that I don't see you two passing notes back there.
All the cool kids sit in the back.
My Close-up
Why the long face?
I mean, it says "soldier" right on their chest so ...
I made this 100 years ago and I'd really like to redo the background but I probably won't.
It's safe out here in the sun. The sun will never intentionally hurt you.
In a Box
Keep me in a cool, dark place. Don't let me melt away.
I dropped my ice cream and it screamed.
No one's coming for you.
Public Access
New and interesting people beamed directly into your home 24 hours a day.
My mother once had a dream about a black oily demon thing that climbed out of someone's mouth and started running loose.
Neckface is a totally real condition. Neckface is a state of mind. Ask your doctor. Ask your mother.
I'm breaking out in hives. Hiveminds.
Let's Dance
It takes two to tango.
Hold Me
I'm sorry my arms are so tiny. I'm working on it.
Y'all think you're better than me just because you can ride the tornado and I can't.
A Mess
This picture's not very good and it's really a big mess, but look at it.
Got Stuck in the Sky
I had a dream that a friend of mine stopped showing up to work. We all stepped outside and found him dead and floating fifty feet up in the sky.
Little Planetoid Man
It's not everyday you become a planet, don'tcha know!
Come on in! It's warm. All your friends are here. We have jalapeño poppers!